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Dried fruits
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What say about us

Marat Hasyanov
We ordered dark and light apricots for points. We liked the quality, appearance, they are well sorted. We will take!
Very good apricots, not doused with anything, natural and fresh.

What kind of nut is a macadamia nut?

Macadamia wholesale

Macadamia is considered the king of all nuts and not only because of its high cost, but also for the most nutritious composition, as in 100 g of the product contains 720 kilocalories, agree, really a lot!
In terms of beneficial properties, macadamia nut contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system of the body. It is also believed that the nut is an excellent means of preventing and preventing diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus.
And yet despite all its useful qualities, macadamia is a very tasty and flavorful nut, eating which you get a lot of fun!

Who produces the walnut?

Our range includes macadamia nuts from South Africa. in unpeeled form. i.e. in hard shell as well as fully peeled from the shell.

Wholesale and retail sales

Macadamia nut can be bought not only in bulk, but also in retail. The product under the Meva trademark is available on all popular marketplaces.
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